First Impressions Are Everything

First Impressions Are Everything

Here at City Dental Centers, we truly believe that a beautiful smile makes a great impression.  Check out this infographic we created to give you an idea of just how important your teeth are: Feel free to embed this infographic on your blog by copying the...
How Oral Health Can Affect Overall Health

How Oral Health Can Affect Overall Health

Does Oral Health Affect Overall Health As Well? When we think about the benefits of good oral hygiene, the immediate and visible impacts are often the ones we notice most. If you brush your teeth regularly, your breath will smell better and your teeth will look clean...
The Effects of Smoking On Oral Health

The Effects of Smoking On Oral Health

Nobody in this day and age can argue that smoking cigarettes is a good choice for your health. Lung cancer is a well-known potential consequence and there is plenty of information out there about how damaging cigarettes can be to your overall health. City Dental...
Alcohol’s Effects On Oral Health

Alcohol’s Effects On Oral Health

Alcohol is viewed by society in different ways. It can be a social activity for friends and family to celebrate a holiday or other big event. For others, it can be considered only for its potential negative health consequences from use. The truth is that for certain...
Top Foods and Drinks That Damage Your Teeth

Top Foods and Drinks That Damage Your Teeth

Trying to avoid cavities? Taking better care of your teeth isn’t just about brushing twice and flossing once daily. The food and drinks we consume affect us more than we know, starting with the teeth. If taking better care of your teeth is important to you,...