Top 5 Considerations When Getting Braces

by | May 18, 2015

Getting braces is an important step forward in your dental health journey. Not only improving the form and function of your teeth but also in improving your confidence and allowing you to smile brightly everywhere you go. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.

Making the right considerations in regard to getting braces will ensure you have the best possible chance of success. Additionally, this enables you to be happy with your decision to implement them for the cost and effort required to maintain them.

getting braces

Ask These Questions Before Getting Braces:

5. Do You Really Need Braces?

It seems like an obvious enough question, but the reality is that people are bombarded with images of nearly perfect-looking celebrities and models in magazines that often leave them feeling lesser without reason. If you’re interested in braces, you should answer this question by considering such things as whether or not the function of your bite or your confidence will be substantially improved by the procedure.

This is a particularly important consideration when it comes to many other major considerations such as cost and the potential for complications. While a professional dentist will give you the most professional treatment possible at the best cost, certain situations come with the risk of complications. For instance, sometimes having a curved root in one or more teeth can cause complications when the teeth are moved with braces. If your teeth function properly and the cosmetic difference is hardly noticeable, sometimes forgoing the procedure to avoid a potential complication is a decision that makes sense.

4. The Cost of Getting Braces

The reality is that braces can be pricey, particularly if they are purely being used for cosmetic reasons. While in some cases insurance carriers may cover part of the cost of braces implementation, in some cases they will not cover them at all. The reason for this is that while braces can be used to fix problems with teeth functionality, which is considered a necessity for eating properly and may be covered by insurance, getting braces purely for cosmetic purposes and expecting your insurance to cover it is more or less like expecting your insurance to cover a facelift or a nose job.

Your dentist will be able to give you advice given your unique situation on what makes the most sense. In some cases, a problem may be severe enough that braces may be the cheapest option to ensure proper functionality of the teeth and prevent problems down the line that may develop from teeth being misaligned for long periods of time. In other cases, however, your dentist may recommend something as simple as dental bonding to improve the appearance of your teeth and not require braces to be utilized.

3. Age is Not An Issue, But Health Is

It used to be a widely accepted belief that age was a factor when it came to implementing braces. For many years, children were commonly given braces even for situations that may not have required them simply due to the belief that they needed to get them while they were young. As years went on, however, more and more adults are now getting braces and having great results with them as well.

The reality is that age is not the issue, but the health of the teeth and the person, in general, considering the procedure is important. While some health conditions that may prevent braces from being successfully implemented become more common as you get older, you can have braces implemented at any age when you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure and reasonably maintain upkeep of them until they are able to be removed.

2. Braces Are Not a Quick Fix

Braces are not intended to be viewed as a quick fix. While they do resolve a number of dental issues, they take a number of months or even years to correct dental problems. Bonding is more often considered a quick fix for cosmetic issues, but generally resolving serious problems with your bite will require braces and they do take time to work. They also require close attention as far as oral hygiene habits are concerned.

It’s important to understand as well that even after the braces are removed, care is still required afterward. Frequently, a retainer keeps up the appearance and function of the teeth following the removal of braces. Additionally, diligent attention to your oral hygiene is always required regardless of whether you have braces or not.

1. There is Some Discomfort Following the Procedure

Braces are not always the most comfortable when they are first implemented. Discomfort is particularly noticeable during the first few weeks following the procedure. Fortunately, after this initial stage, most patients hardly give them a second thought. Just maintain regular upkeep and dental hygiene.

While braces can be uncomfortable in the beginning, the improved functionality and confidence they often provide in the end can be worth the experience. Only your dentist can help you decide correctly if braces are right for you or not.

Choosing a Dentist for Getting Braces

City Dental Centers was established by Dr. Sam Shahoveisi to bring the experience of being like family to patients. City Dental Centers is the best choice for having your braces procedure performed. The professionalism of their doctors will ensure you the best possible care before, during, and after your braces procedure.